Use Case Overview

This search allows users to find hotels within a specified radius around a given airport. It’s particularly useful for users looking for accommodations near airports for convenience, layovers, or quick access to urban cities associated with the airport’s location.


  • Airport Code: A 3-letter IATA airport code (e.g., “JFK” for John F. Kennedy International Airport).
  • Radius: The distance in miles around the airport to include in the search results.
Airport code is referred to as iata_code in the location type.


A user searching for hotels around “JFK” with a radius of 10 miles would retrieve a list of hotels located within 10 miles of JFK Airport.

  "stay_info": {
    "check_in_date": "2025-01-01",
    "check_out_date": "2025-01-03",
    "guests": {
      "adults": 1
  "filter": {
    "location": {
      "type": "iata_code",
      "details": {
        "iata_code": "JFK"
      "radius": {
        "value": 10,
        "type": "mi"